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File List | 1995-02-16 | 8.4 KB | 120 lines |
- 11THDEMO.ZIP 1425599 03-24-94 A bunch of GIFs showing scenes from 11th
- | Hour, a sequel to the 7th Guest from Virgin
- | Games. GIF's are 640X480X256.
- 1_ULDEMO.ZIP 923774 11-15-94 Preview THREE upcoming GAME releases
- | *Vinyl Goddess from Mars* a fast paced,
- | high speed, sexy platform game.
- | *Radix: Into the void* a radical
- | 3D edge of your seat action game.
- | *Tactical Factor* two player action!
- 75DEMO_1.ZIP 1210157 09-22-94 The Legend of Seven Paladins 3D Game DEMO 1/3
- | Eight channel sound effects and
- | music support for: GUS, PAS 16, SB, AdLib,
- | Roland, and most other cards. Requires a
- | 386+. Supports: Mouse/Joystick/GamePad.
- 75DEMO_2.ZIP 1214375 09-22-94 The Legend of Seven Paladins DEMO 2/3
- 75DEMO_3.ZIP 1115519 09-22-94 The Legend of Seven Paladins DEMO 3/3
- 94BOXING.ZIP 92669 12-12-94 League Boxing Demo. Boxing league with neat
- | graphics and lot's of blood!
- B8VIEW.ZIP 222600 12-26-94 Bookup 8 viewer great demo of the program
- | with book explaining openings a must have for
- | any chess player! Great graphics!
- BREAKTHR.ZIP 470429 10-03-94 Puzzler demo by alexey pajitnov. For Windows
- CASINO_1.ZIP 1039179 10-13-94 CASINO Tournament Of Champions By Capstone
- | Software. For Windows 3.1
- CASINO_2.ZIP 1071463 10-13-94 CASINO Tournament Of Champions By Capstone
- | Software. For Windows 3.1
- CPTDEM.ZIP 3144859 11-03-94 3 megs of Magic Carpet DEMO game
- DFORCES1.ZIP 3331130 12-27-94 Dark Forces demo -- part 1 of 3
- | This is the only file necessary to play the
- | game. Parts 2 and 3 contain movies.
- DFORCES2.ZIP 1105052 12-20-94 Dark Forces demo -- part 2 of 3
- | Part 1 is the actual game (one level.)
- DFORCES3.ZIP 1625 12-31-94 Dark Forces demo -- part 3 of 3. Read this
- | file before downloading.
- DFSLIDE2.ZIP 944709 09-29-94 Slide show from Lucas Arts for an upcomming
- | program called Dark Forces - A Doom like game
- | based on Star Wars.
- DTMF_D.ZIP 38244 09-19-94 DTMF decoder demo for Soundblaster card.
- EACTION.ZIP 781653 08-31-94 Alright all you fighter jocks out there! Try
- | this playable demo of EVASIVE ACTION flight
- | simulator.
- HB4DEMO.ZIP 1423999 09-29-94 Demo of upcoming Accolade game: Hardball 4
- | Demo is playable and features 256 color SVGA
- | graphics /w video capture technology.
- INFCMSAM.ZIP 118070 10-13-94 Infocom Sampler Program. Contains demo
- | versions of four classic text adventures:
- | Zork 1, Infidel, Witness and Planetfall.
- ISDEMO.ZIP 2038780 11-18-94 Iron Seed Demo v1.10 Requires VGA, Mouse,
- | 580K, DOS 4 386/33 - faster is better!
- | Awesome Dolby Surround music with an Aria,
- | ProAudio, Sound Blaster or Gravis UltraSound
- | or compatible with 600K and 1meg EMS.
- KRYPTEGG.ZIP 936916 08-01-94 Krypton Egg PC - The Ultimate Break-Out
- | This LIMITED & DEMO version can be distribute
- | A breathtaking Break Out action game with
- | many new effects.
- MARSDEMO.ZIP 9528 07-26-94 MARS DEMO - this is the ULTIMATE height-field
- | demo! SMOOTH terrain of mars, or change the
- | palette for Earth, or a barren wasteland!
- MEN_DEMO.ZIP 275432 10-06-94 Men Of Renown Functional demo of commercial
- | Bible Christian maze game
- METDEMO.ZIP 1356435 12-19-94 DEMO of the game Metal Marines.
- | Reqs SVGA, 8 meg RAM, Windows compatible
- | mouse.
- MINIZORK.ZIP 64196 10-13-94 Demo version of Infocom's classic text
- | adventure, Zork 1. Fully playable, but
- | contains only part of the game.
- MOSESDEM.ZIP 118092 10-05-94 Moses Matchup Bible matching game demo
- | Software. This is a functional demo of a
- | commercial product, one of 3 games in Agape
- | Arcade #1, which is one of 5 game packages
- MUD_141.ZIP 616306 12-19-94 MUD │ INDUSTRIAL PROSE & MAGIC │ DEMO │ 1.41
- | The first MUD (Multi-User-Dungeon) devel-
- | opment kit for MS-DOS, introduced at the 1994
- | ONE BBSCON. Create an online Role Playing
- | Game, <RPG> any genre! RIP and ANSI graphics
- NASCAR.ZIP 1357216 09-26-94 Demo of nascar racing simulator.
- QDEMO.ZIP 1349496 08-15-94 QUARRANTINE Playable Demo. 3D driving game by
- | Gametek/Imagexcel. 386/33 & 4 Meg Ram req'd.
- QUIZMC25.ZIP 343539 12-20-94 Quiz Machine 2.5 a Windows 3.1 program DEMO
- | emulating arcade machines found in Pubs, Bars
- | & Clubs, in a multiple choice format. An
- | advantage is that it doesn't take your money!
- RISEDEMO.ZIP 5013035 10-26-94 Rise of the Robots DEMO. This cool demo has
- | it all. Fights with robots created with
- | amazing graphics and detail.
- RWKNIGHT.ZIP 456003 08-31-94 RenderWare(TM) demo of two battling knights.
- | Requires Windows 3.1 or higher. Supports
- | Microsoft's WinG library.
- RWMAZE.ZIP 676167 08-31-94 RenderWare(TM) demo of a 3D maze. Apparently
- | a better engine than Doom's. Requires
- | Windows 3.1 or higher. Supports Microsoft's
- | WinG library.
- RWROLL.ZIP 486269 08-31-94 RenderWare(TM) demo of a 3D rollercoaster.
- | View the four samples or create your own.
- | Requires Windows 3.1 or higher. Supports
- | Microsoft's WinG library.
- SB3006.ZIP 780289 08-14-94 Starbase 3 is a standalone program that
- | contains a database of ALL Trek episodes ever
- | codes, airdates, etc. This is a demo version.
- SCDEMO21.ZIP 949419 10-16-94 Sim City for OS/2 demo version.
- SHADOW_1.ZIP 367959 06-30-94 SHADOW - DEMO VERSION Combines photo &
- | information (of your child or loved one) on
- | one floppy! Prints a mini poster. Take
- | preventative measures, get SHADOW. Should
- | your child be abducted - don't waste time!
- SIMC2.ZIP 970925 10-21-94 SimCity/2 - SimCity for OS/2 Demo
- STARCRDE.ZIP 1152086 10-24-94 Playable demo of Star Crusader by GAMETEK
- | Allows you to go on one mission and explore
- | the game options. Requires VGA, 386 , sound
- | card and 2M RAM.
- TIM2DM.ZIP 1277480 11-27-94 THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE 2 -- playable DEMO
- | Challenging puzzle solving game!
- TREK_GEN.ZIP 930311 11-29-94 Star Trek: Generations - Promotional Demo for
- | Windows
- TRTYDEMO.ZIP 1043607 12-23-94 Playable DEMO of Transport Tycoon, 1994 game
- UNGAME.ZIP 72660 01-04-95 UNGAME - The Game Cleaner DEMO - searches for
- | game matching contents signature on your LAN